About me

My name is Daler, I am a licensed psychologist, psychoanalyst, and certified cognitive behavioral therapist. My practice includes several therapeutic modalities including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), psychodynamic approach, and schema therapy. The choice of therapeutic approach depends on the client's individual needs and the complexity of the situation.

My professional activities include both individual and couples (family) counseling, including solving problems of a wide range, such as difficulties in interpersonal communication, difficult relationships between partners, problems in marriage and adaptation to new significant changes in life.

Topics I work with
Many of my clients find help with self-esteem, self-confidence and personal growth. In addition, I have extensive experience working with psychological trauma, crisis conditions and psychological treatment in cases of unresolved traumatic events, sexual abuse, incest, certain addictions, grief and many other psycho-emotional problems.

I also treat anxiety disorders, panic attacks, phobias and depressive disorders. I have received specialized training in the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) individually and for couples in basic and advanced courses at the CBT Association in St. Petersburg, for the treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders at the Beck Institute in Philadelphia, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) at the Marsha Linehan Institute.

Experience and practice
I am a member of several professional organizations, including the Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapists (ACBP), the Russian Professional Psychotherapy League (PPL), the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST), and the American Psychological Association (APA).

Regular supervision and ongoing training play an important role in my clinical practice and enable me to provide quality services to my clients. Since May 2023, I have been a certified PPL supervisor and provide supervisory services to fellow psychologists.

I am proficient in English, Russian, and Chinese, a result of my extensive international background. I lived in Tajikistan for 7 years, Russia for 12 years, in Shanghai, China for 16 years before relocating to Barcelona, Spain in 2020. My multilingualism is a testament to my deep appreciation for diverse cultures and languages. Currently, I am furthering my linguistic skills by studying Spanish and Catalan.
Moscow Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis
Program: Psychological counseling, psychocorrection, psychotherapy
Qualification: Psychology
Duration: 1699 hours
Year of receipt: 2020

Sochi State University
Specialty: 04/37/01 Psychology
Qualification: Master of Psychology
Years of study: 2018 - 2020

Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis
Program: Clinical Psychology
Qualification: Clinical Psychologist
Duration: 1500 hours
Year of receipt: 2024
Additional education
  • CBT for Personality Disorders - Beck Institute, Philadelphia, 2023.
  • CBT for Anxiety - Beck Institute, Philadelphia, 2023.
  • CBT for Depression - Beck Institute, Philadelphia, 2023.
  • CBT in Practice: Essentials II - Beck Institute, Philadelphia, 2024.
  • CBT for Perinatal Anxiety - Beck Institute, Philadelphia, 2024.
  • CBT for Rumination - Beck Institute, Philadelphia, 2024.
  • CBT for Tic Disorders - Beck Institute, Philadelphia, 2024.
  • Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy for Serious Mental Health Conditions - Beck Institute, Philadelphia, 2023.
  • Clinical psychology, program of L.V. Senkevich, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, 1500 academic hours, Moscow, 2023-2024.
  • Fundamentals of psychiatry for psychologists, program of A.V. Pavlichenko, Moscow State University, Moscow, 2023.
  • Intensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for Borderline Personality Disorder and Suicidal Behavior - Linehan Institute, 68 weeks - 65 CE/CME, Washington DC, 2022-2023.
  • Supervisor training program by O. A. Prikhodchenko on the basis of the Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL) - First University of Professor V.V. Makarova, 96 a.ch., Moscow, 2023.
  • Advanced course of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) - Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy (ACPP), 350 academic hours, St. Petersburg, 2022-2023.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Anxiety, Depression, Personality disorders - Beck Institute, Philadelphia, 2022.
  • Polymodal express and emergency psychotherapy by Alexander Lazarevich Katkov, First University of Professor V.V. Makarova, 60 a.ch., Moscow, 2022.
  • Schema therapy. Certified course according to the standards of ISST - the International Society of Schema Therapy - Higher School of Psychology, 72 academic hours, Moscow, 2022.
  • Basic course of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) - Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy (ACPP), 275 academic hours, St. Petersburg, 2021-2022.
  • Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy for couples by A. Vasilyeva - Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy (ACPP), 114 academic hours, St. Petersburg, 2022.
  • Psychoanalytic psychotherapy of couples and families by David Scharff - Moscow Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis, 40 a.ch., Moscow, 2019.
  • Working with patients with a fragile self by F. L. Summers - Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2019.
  • Psychological practice in the department of hematology and oncology of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital in Moscow, 2018.
  • Helpline for free emergency psychological help “Yaroslavna”, Moscow, 2018.
Certificates and diplomas